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Analysis and prevention methods of enteritis and white stool in Penaeus vannamei

  • Categories:Technical article
  • Author:judy
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-09-14 10:06
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(Summary description)In recent years, with the rapid development of the aquaculture industry and the vigorous promotion of high-density aquaculture models, the density of shrimp farming has increased. However, there have been more and more diseases of Penaeus vannamei.

Analysis and prevention methods of enteritis and white stool in Penaeus vannamei

(Summary description)In recent years, with the rapid development of the aquaculture industry and the vigorous promotion of high-density aquaculture models, the density of shrimp farming has increased. However, there have been more and more diseases of Penaeus vannamei.

  • Categories:Technical article
  • Author:judy
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-09-14 10:06
  • Views:

In recent years, with the rapid development of the aquaculture industry and the vigorous promotion of high-density aquaculture models, the density of shrimp farming has increased. However, there have been more and more diseases of Penaeus vannamei. The enteritis disease is shrimp. One of the common symptoms in breeding. The mild cases of Penaeus vannamei enteritis can cause the Penaeus vannamei to not eat food or have poor ability to absorb and utilize feed nutrients, resulting in slow growth, poor physical fitness, and a long market cycle. In severe cases, it can cause shrimp deaths and reduced production. How to prevent Penaeus vannamei enteritis and protect the intestines of prawns is the problem facing the farming now.

The main causes of enteritis in Penaeus vannamei are as follows:


1. Caused by pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract: Bacterial enteritis is mainly caused by Vibrio infections. Harmful bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophila, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella will occupy an advantage in the intestinal flora, which will slowly cause prawns. Enteritis, such ponds are mostly accompanied by the deterioration of the sediment, which is conducive to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The symptoms of bacterial enteritis are mainly red in the digestive intestines of the shrimp, and the body surface of the vannamei becomes darker. Vannamei showed symptoms of weakened vigor, anorexia, and slow growth of prawns.

2. Water quality problems: Excessive ammonia nitrogen products and nitrites in the water body cause inflammation of the prawn’s intestines and stress response; outbreaks of harmful algae, indigestion or toxins caused by indigestion or toxins caused by prawns preying on blue algae or gymnodinium, etc.

3. Toxins in the feed: The feed is degraded and produces aflatoxins. After being ingested by the prawns, the prawns’ intestinal tissues are damaged and inflammation occurs.

So once Penaeus vannamei has enteritis and white stool, how should we deal with it?


1. Thoroughly clear the pond before placing the seedlings and thoroughly disinfect with quicklime to kill pathogens and reduce the incidence of disease.

2. Immediately stop the material, and then feed the material 3 days later, carefully observe through the signal basket. Don't be afraid that the prawns will starve to death. The prawns will generally not die for half a month to a month without feeding.

3. Adjust water quality: use special bacillus for aquatic products, super EM powder (20 billion), etc. to inhibit the reproduction of harmful algae such as cyanobacteria, or use "Yuchangkang" to inhibit Vibrio bacteria and reduce nitrite to improve water quality and increase shrimp seedlings Disease resistance;

4. Use high-quality feed, pay attention to the feeding problem of Penaeus vannamei, control the amount of bait, and reduce the pollution of the pond by residual bait;

5. Oral administration of Clostridium butyricum or "Aquatic Products Special" in the dressing shows that Clostridium butyricum can effectively increase the content of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the intestinal tract of aquatic animals, reduce the intestinal pH value, and inhibit pathogenicity The growth of bacteria; and can effectively promote the expression of pro-inflammatory factors such as IL-1β and TGF-β in the body, reduce the expression level of anti-inflammatory factor IL-10, enhance the body’s immunity, and improve intestinal health.



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